Our late chief's tanist Florian Maclaren

Florian's education began at Balquhidder Primary School where each day started with a short walk past the old kirk with brother Louis to study and play at the foot of Boar’s Rock.

Then he went on to boarding school as his parents were posted abroad; he studied Classics at St Andrews University where he met his future wife Romilly before leaving to work and study trees at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh.

Florian has worked in arboriculture ever since and currently runs a tree company in London. Romilly and Florian live in Buckinghamshire at the moment and have had three children together - Finnlay, William Wolf and Flora. Finn is buried next to his grandfather in Balquhidder.

  • Creag an Tuirc
  • The Old Kirk
  • Lochhearnhead Highland Games
JUL 20

Lochearnhead Highland Games

11:30 at clan tent
JUL 20

Games Dinner

19:00 for 19:30
Balquhidder Village Hall

The Clan MacLaren Society brings together members and friends from around the world. Our Scottish-based Society allows the Clan to continue its traditional functions, foster kinship worldwide, provide news and share information.

It also allows us to encourage further study of Clan history and to collect genealogical information, and our Clan Genealogist invites you to submit yours. If you have any questions about genealogy, he will be happy to advise.


The Society newsletter will be published in the summer this year. All contributions are welcome, particularly those relating to national and international MacLaren events, births, deaths and marriages.

Please email content to Newsletter Editor Bridget Stevens at [email protected] before the deadline of 31st January for inclusion in the next newsletter.

Our past newsletters are available for download from our society section.